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Magnum Flashabou  We are your only complete Source for Magnum Flashabou!

Easy to tie, looks amazing in the water ... catches BIG fish!

Sample Coil Tied with Magnum Flashabou

Easy to Tie!

*** All Prices in Canadian Dollars ***

We all know how great Magnum Flashabou (also called Musky Tinsel) is on your musky spinners and salmon flies. This is the same as found on the expensive in-line bucktails out there. Easy to tie and looks great in the water. Easy to combine with other colors to make lures just like the pros, and it's a lot cheaper when all said and done.

Each package has enough material to tie two extra large 10 inch skirts on coils. Use on your double bladed musky in-lines. Tie onto our magnum coil springs.

If you are tying salmon flies each hank has enough material to tie between 6 to 12 flies. Many salmon flies are tied on aquarium tubing.

Magnum "Dichromatic Colours" (Mix and match for volume Price) NEW for 2025
20" Long
400 Strands
Strands are 1/32" wide

Dichromatic Magnum Flashabou is the hottest new Magnum Flashabou. Experience the innovation of groundbreaking dichromatic fibers! Two colour hues on a single strand. Each fiber shifts between two vibrant colours, creating an eye-catching effect that mesmerizes fish and prompts aggressive strikes. For instance, red fibers transform into a dazzling gold when view from another angle.

Item Code Colour Price Per Package Price per Package 10+
62-35-80 Red/Gold $9.99 $9.49
62-35-82 Olive/Orange $9.99 $9.49


Holographic Magnum Flashabou (Mix and match for volume Price)
20" Long
400 Strands
Strands are 1/32" wide

Item Code Colour Price Per Package Price per Package 10+
62-32-44 Holographic Sunrise $9.99 $9.49
62-32-45 Holographic Sunset $9.99 $9.49
62-32-46 Holographic Moonlight $9.99 $9.49
62-32-48 Holographic Crawdad $9.99 $9.49
62-32-71 Lazer Silver $9.99 $9.49
62-32-72 Lazer Gold $9.99 $9.49
62-32-75 Holigraphic Olive $9.99 $9.49
62-32-76 Holographic Teal $9.99 $9.49
62-32-79 Holographic Bright Rainbow $9.99 $9.49
62-32-80 Holographic Perch $9.99 $9.49
62-32-81 Holographic Lt Purple $9.99 $9.49
62-32-82 Holographic Yellow $9.99 $9.49
62-32-83 Holographic Orange $9.99 $9.49
62-32-84 Holographic Cranberry $9.99 $9.49
62-32-85 Holographic Firetiger $9.99 $9.49
62-32-86 Holographic Copper $9.99 $9.49
62-32-87 Holographic Brown $9.99 $9.49
62-32-89 Holographic Chartreuse $9.99 $9.49
62-32-90 Holographic Silver Ice $9.99 $9.49
62-32-91 Holographic Silver $9.99 $9.49
62-32-92 Holographic Gold $9.99 $9.49
62-32-93 Holographic Blue $9.99 $9.49
62-32-94 Holographic Green $9.99 $9.49
62-32-95 Holographic Fuchsia $9.99 $9.49
62-32-96 Holographic Red $9.99 $9.49
62-32-97 Holographic Black $9.99 $9.49
62-32-98 Holographic Rainbow $9.99 $9.49
62-32-99 Holographic Purple $9.99 $9.49

Magnum Flashabou (Mix and match for volume Price)
20" Long
400 Strands
Strands are 1/32" wide

Item Code Colour Price Per Package Price per Package 10+
62-32-01 Sliver $9.99 $9.49
62-32-02 Gold $9.99 $9.49
62-32-03 Green $9.99 $9.49
62-32-05 Pearl White $9.99 $9.49
62-32-06 Copper $9.99 $9.49
62-32-07 Mint $9.99 $9.49
62-32-10 Dark Blue $9.99 $9.49
62-32-11 Red $9.99 $9.49
62-32-12 Black $9.99 $9.49
62-32-13 Purple $9.99 $9.49
62-32-14 Fuchsia $9.99 $9.49
62-32-15 Lt Blue $9.99 $9.49
62-32-17 Bronze $9.99 $9.49
62-32-18 Pink $9.99 $9.49
62-32-19 Yellow $9.99 $9.49
62-32-33 Opal Mirage $9.99 $9.49
62-32-47 White $9.99 $9.49

Magnum "Barred" Flashabou (Mix and match for volume Price)
20" Long
400 Strands
Strands are 1/32" wide

Item Code Colour Price Per Package Price per Package 10+
62-34-01 Red w/Black Bar $9.99 $9.49
62-34-02 Flo Pink w/Black Bar $9.99 $9.49
62-34-03 Flo Orange w/Black Bar $9.99 $9.49
62-34-04 Flo Blue w/Black Bar $9.99 $9.49
62-34-05 Flo Yellow w/Black Bar $9.99 $9.49
62-34-06 Clear w/Black Bar $9.99 $9.49

Magnum "Dyed Pearl" Flashabou (Mix and match for volume Price) NEW
20" Long
400 Strands
Strands are 1/32" wide

You've been asking for a Magnum Dyed Pearl for your magnum musky and pike baits. Add a little for some amazing fish attraction. Also great on your salmon trolling flies.

Item Code Colour Price Per Package Price per Package 10+
62-34-30 Red $9.99 $9.49
62-34-31 Sapphire N/A N/A
62-34-62 Chartreuse $9.99 $9.49
62-34-63 Lt Blue N/A N/A
62-34-65 Pink $9.99 $9.49
62-34-67 Orange $9.99 $9.49
62-34-68 Lavender $9.99 $9.49
62-34-71 Yellow $9.99 $9.49

Magnum "Glow -A- Pearl" Flashabou (Mix and match for volume Price)
20" Long
400 Strands
Strands are 1/32" wide

You've been asking for a Magnum Glow Pearl for your magnum musky and pike baits. Add a little for some amazing fish attraction. Also great on your salmon trolling flies.

Item Code Colour Price Per Package Price per Package 10+
62-34-50 Glow White $9.99 $9.49
62-34-51 Glow Pink $9.99 $9.49
62-34-52 Glow Yellow $9.99 $9.49
62-34-54 Glow Orange $9.99 $9.49
62-34-55 Glow Green $9.99 $9.49
62-34-56 Glow Firetiger $9.99 $9.49


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Real Pro's SportFishing On-line.
LureMaking.com is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Product images are for representation and may not be exactly as shown.

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