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Real Pro's SportFishing

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Professional Wire Former

LureMaking.com's Commercial Tackle Maker is used by more Professional Canadian Lure Makers than any other wire bending tool.

LureMaking.com's Commercial Tackle Maker is designed for the small and medium sized manufacturer and the serious hobby crafter. It can both bend and wrap wire for both open and closed looped shafts, twisted eye spinnerbaits, buzz baits, musky spinners, in-line spinners, ice fishing spreaders and other rigs of all kinds.


  • Accepts wire from 0.018" to 0.041"
  • Anodized machined aluminum frame
  • Heat treated tool steel on wear points
  • Mounts on your work bench
  • Right hand or left hand operation
  • 1/8" and 3/16" diameter loop operations (components for both included)
  • Download Instruction Sheet (133k pdf)

Item Code

Shipping Weight Price
75-80-90 1.7 Kg $289.99 $359.99 *

* Commercial Tackle Makers are currently out of stock.
We will import these from the USA on a special order basis.
A 25% "Canadian Counter Measure Tariff" applies to this item and is reflected in the new price.
Allow 1-4 weeks for delivery to us.
Please give us a call if you have any questions regarding this item.

Non-Discountable item

Optional Musky/ Saltwater Adapter Kit

This optional kit allows you to easily work with and bend wire up to 0.051" for your larger muskie baits and saltwater lures. Inside diameter of the finished eye is 3/16" 0.188".

Kit Includes:

  • 1 loop twist die 
  • 1 loop twist wedge
  • 1 revolving die (accepting Wire up to 0.051")

Item Code

75-80-91 $89.99

A 25% "Canadian Counter Measure Tariff" applies to this item and will be reflected in the price when new stock arrives.
Order now before the price increase.

Non-Discountable item

Optional Small Loop Adapter Kit

This optional kit allows you make smaller 0.092" diameter loops. Ideal for making small spinners where a small eye is desired.

Kit Includes:

  • 1 loop twist die revolving die
  • 1 loop twist die (accepting wire up to 0.035")

Item Code

75-80-92 $74.99

A 25% "Canadian Counter Measure Tariff" applies to this item and will be reflected in the price when new stock arrives.
Order now before the price increase.

Non-Discountable item

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Real Pro's SportFishing On-line.
LureMaking.com is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Product images are for representation and may not be exactly as shown.

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