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Real Pro's SportFishing

PO Box 17
Hepworth, Ontario
Canada N0H 1P0
Tel: 519-371-3758
Fax: 519-371-3754
Sales: 1-800-203-8427



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Clevises Not Shown Actual Size

Real Pro's high quality folded clevises are stamped and formed in one operation from solid brass. These are the very best folded clevises available. Don't risk using a lower quality clevises because you want your spinner to work flawlessly. Use our Folded Clevises when making harnesses, and other lures on multi-strand wires, monofilament line, etc.  Please state finish required (Brass or Nickel Plated Brass). If finish is not given we will ship brass clevises.

Brass Folded Clevises
(02) Brass

Item Code Size Hole Diameter 50 Pack 100 Pack 1000 Pack
18-01-02 1 0.038" $2.39 $4.29 $34.90
18-02-02 2 0.038" $2.99 $5.29 $43.90
18-04-02 4 0.052" $4.19 $7.49 $59.90
18-06-02 6 0.060" $4.79 $8.49 $67.90

Nickel Folded Clevises
(06) Nickel Plated Brass

Item Code Size Hole Diameter 50 Pack 100 Pack 1000 Pack
18-01-06 1 0.038" $2.99 $5.49 $42.90
18-02-06 2 0.038" $3.79 $6.89 $54.90
18-04-06 4 0.052" $5.29 $9.59 $76.90
18-06-06 6 0.060" $5.99 $10.99 $86.90

Real Pro's folded clevises are stamped then formed by folding the clevise in half. Stirrup clevises are formed from spring hardened brass wire for maximum strength. Clevises should always be matched to the blade. A clevise too large can affect your spinner's action. Below is a basic guide to folded clevises sizes and when to use them.


Use this table to select the right size folded clevises for your application.
This table applies to in-line harnesses, lake trolls, and other applications

Folded Clevises Size BLADE SIZE
Colorado Indiana Willowleaf French Hatch
1 00, 0, 1 00, 0, 1, 2 0, 1, 2 0, 1  na
2 1, 2 3, 4 2, 3 2 3
4 3, 3½, 4, 4½, 4, 5 3½, 4, 5 3, 4, 5 3. 4
6 5, 6, 7 6 6 6 5
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Real Pro's SportFishing On-line.
LureMaking.com is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions. Product images are for representation and may not be exactly as shown.

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