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Real Pro's SportFishing

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WORM RIG SINKERS This sliding sinker has a small hole through it for use with monofilament line. It has the advantages of an egg sinker plus a more streamlined shape to aid in retrieving. The Worm Rig is often used in weed beds, where it prevents the plastic worm from snagging or tearing. One PWR-16 Pull Pin included with each worm rig mold.

The Worm Rig Sinker also makes a great lure body for the angler making Sonic In-Line bladed spinners. Simply cast the bodies out of lead or tin, powder paint them and assemble your own killer Sonic In-Line spinners. Sonic In-Line spinners make great trout spinners.

Item Code Model No. Insert No. of Cavities Lure Sizes (oz.) Price
61-3222 WR-9-A PWR-16 Pull Pin 9 3/32,1/8,3/16,1/4,5/16,3/8,7/16,1/2,5/8 $74.95
61-1140 WR-10-M2 PWR-16 Pull Pin 10 1/4,3/16 $74.95


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Real Pro's SportFishing On-line.
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