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The Tie-Fast Knot
The world famous TIE-FAST Knot Tyer is the
ultimate “nail” knot tool. Made of one piece stainless steel, this tool
enables anglers to tie secure knots in a matter of seconds.
The TIE-FAST Knot Tyer is praised by fishing
experts for it’s simplicity and for the strength of it’s knots. It can be
used to tie a number of different varieties of the “nail” knot. Unlike
other knots that have only one turn holding their ends, the “nail” knot
cannot become untied because the tag end of the line is secured by all turns of
the knot. MADE IN USA.
The Tie-Fast Knot Tyer
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The Fast Tyer
The NAIL KNOT is the most affective way to tie any size monofilament to your
line. It is a smooth and secure knot that easily passes in and out of the rod
guides. With this knot, the harder you pull the better it "GRIPS" and
- Place tool in palm of either hand and grasp
tightly with fingers. Place thumb on THUMB PAD. The TIP should be in perfect
- Place leader between GUIDE through CHANNEL and
TIPS/SLOT so that line extends approximately 6 inches beyond TIP. Use thumb
to secure line over PAD.
- Pull short line downward into SLOT and wrap a
tight coil of 4-5 turns. Wrap back around Tyer TIPS towards thumb using
forefinger to hold turns in place.
- From the thumb side, thread short line back
into CHANNEL under all turns and out through slotted TIPS
- Insert fly line under wraps and give "tag
end" a light jerk. This causes knot to slide off Tyer onto fly line.
Inspect and adjust wraps before securing knot completely. Trim off excess.