Your Own
Bucktail Dressed Trebles
Tying your own bucktail trebles
is not as difficult as you might think. Just follow the steps shown on the
following pages. The bucktail being tied here is a double collar two
colour treble with red hackle down the center. It took us about ten
minutes to tie from start to finish. You can easily add a third collar of
hair as well.
Skip Ahead:
Building the
bed and applying the hackle.
the first collar.
the second collar.
the treble.
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All the components used
to make tying these bucktails are available from Real Pro's SportFishing.
Gather all the required
materials and tools for tying your bucktails.
You will require:
Treble Hooks (size
3/0, 4/0, or 5/0)
Tying Vise,
scissors, head cement with applicator bottle
Heavy Thread (we
like using "D" size), and bobbin
An assortment
genuine white tail deer bucktails
Red hackle
Building the
bed applying the hackle! |
Step 1:
Insert the treble hook (here we are using 4/0) into
fly tying vise. Slowly wrap the thread starting at the hook
and work away from the eye. You will require a 1/2 inch
to 1 inch (2.5cm) long bed depending on the number of
collars of hair your trebles will require. |
Step 2::
After completing the bed for the hair
work plenty of
head cement into the thread. |
Step 3:
Place the first piece of hackle onto the bed of hair and
wrap with thread four to six times. Keep the thread snug at
all times.
Work plenty of head cement over the wraps of thread. |
Step 4:
Rotate the hook in the vise and tie another piece of hackle
along opposite side of hook shank. Again, work plenty of
cement onto the thread. |
Step 5::
Wrap several more wraps of thread and apply a little more
head cement.. |
Next »
Building the
first collar |