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Real Pro's SportFishing

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Sales: 1-800-203-8427


Back to Catalogue Main Index | Back to Soft Baits Index | Do-It CNC Molds


Non stocked molds (listed in red) will usually ship to you in 2 to3 weeks.


The Trout / Finesse Worm is 3" long and .19" in diameter, tapering to .12". This mold shoots super easy and makes perfect worms every time. Besides making a great Trout worm, it also makes a great smaller Bass bait: Wacky or Drop Shot. Pan Fish love it also. It is a super solid all around bait. De-molding is as simple as just pulling them off the runner

Link to our in-stock 3 inch Tapered Trout Worm mold and in-stock 3 inch Egg Worm mold.

 This one of the more popular Great Lakes Steelhead baits that every Steelheader should have in their tackle box.

Item Code Mold Type Size (inches) No. of Cavities Price
61-95062 Tapered Trout Worm 3" 10 $121.99
61-95240 Tapered Trout Worm 3" 40 $439.99

CNC molds are not discountable.
 Molds listed in red are special order.


The Trout Worm is 2.95" long and .18" in diameter. This mold shoots super easy and makes perfect worms every time.  De-molding is as simple as just pulling them off the runner, no tags to trim.

Always wear protective clothing / gloves while working with hot plastic. 

Item Code Mold Type Size (inches) No. of Cavities Price
61-95045 Trout Worm 2.95" 20 $113.99

CNC molds are not discountable.
 Molds listed in red are special order.

Soft Bait molds require the use of  an injector (item code: 61-91345). An injector is required to inject the heated liquid plastisol into the mold.

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Real Pro's SportFishing On-line.
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