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Dual Injector System
The Dual Injector System allows you to inject two colours of plastisol with a single injection, a huge time saver. Now you can make two colour soft baits without the need for a lamination plate and two separate injections. 

This is a complete assembled dual injection system. System Includes two injectors. Available with two 4oz injectors # 61-91340  (8oz total) or two 6oz injectors # 61-91350 (12 oz total).

Super smooth action. We use these in our shop almost daily with amazing results. This is a really slick set up.


This is a conversion kit # 61-91341 for the folks that already have two of our 4oz or 6oz injectors. This kit contains everything you need to assemble your own dual injector system.

NOTE: Conversion kit does not include the injectors
Item Code Kit Price
61-91340 Complete Dual 8oz (2x 4oz) Injection System $259.99
61-91350 Complete Dual 12oz (2 x 6oz) Injection System $299.99
61-91341 Conversion Kit - works with 4oz or 6oz injectors $129.99

Double Injection System and Double Injection Conversion Kits are non-discountable.

COMPLETE 19oz DUAL INJECTION SYSTEM - All New "Exclusive" to Luremaking.com

The New Dual 9.5oz (combined total of 19oz) 19oz DUAL COLOR SOFT PLASTIC INJECTOR allows you to inject two color laminate baits. The complete Kit (Item 63-9760) includes (2) 9.5oz Single Handle Injectors, Tube Clamp, Dual Plunger Rod Holder and Two Port Mixing Block. 

The 19oz dual injector system is ideal for the bait maker injecting large volumes of baits. You can inject more molds without having to refill your injector which is a huge production  time saver.

Dual Injector Parts
We've been asked to stock dual injector parts. Having additional Mixing Blocks on hand is a real time saver when running your production. Use with both 4oz and 6oz injectors.

Item Code Kit Price
63-9750 Mixing Block - 2.25in Spacing $89.99
63-9751 Dual Tube Clamp $29.99
63-9752 Plunger Rod Holder, Allen Key &
2 set Screws
63-9753 Guide Rod $9.99
63-9754 Set Screw (2 pack) $1.99
63-9755 Allen Key (5/64") $1.99
63-9770 Push Stop $9.99

Double Injection Replacement Parts are non-discountable.

Push Stop - For Do-It Molds's 4oz and 6oz injectors

Push Stop includes set screw and Allen key!
Item: 63-9770

Injector not included

  • Prevents the nozzle from accidentally being pushed out of the injector. This adjustable work stop lets you set the exact travel distance for the injector plunger, protecting you from accidentally pushing the nozzle out of the injector.
  • Fully Adjustable. The stop can be quickly moved along the injector rod and locked place using the included Set Screw and Allen Key (5/64").
  • Works with Do-It's non-locking injectors. Compatible with Do-It's 4oz and 6oz injectors and other injector brands using a standard 5/16-inch diameter push rod.
  • Installs in Seconds. Simply unscrew the knob, Slide the Push Stop on the rod then secure the Push Stop with the set screw.
  • Made to Last. Made from 6061 aluminum.

Injector O-Rings

Item Code Size Price
Pack of 2 O-Rings
Pack of 10 O-Rings
61-91347 Medium Injector O-Rings (2 Pack) $2.99 $11.99
61-91344 Large Injector O-Rings  (2 Pack) $5.99 -

O-Rings are non-discountable.

Common Mistakes When Making Laminate Baits with Dual Injector. (Link to article on Do-It Molds web site.)

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