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Real Pro's SportFishing

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Back to Catalogue Main Index | Back to Soft Baits Index | CNC SoftBait Molds


2 Cavity Side Injection Mold item #63-1120


This is the real deal... "The HOTFISH Herring Strip" not a knock off. With two years of testing this herring strip bait has proven to catch big rainbow and even bigger salmon. It is simply the best. Our Great Lakes Charter Captains are reporting big fish catches. Match the HOTFISH Herring strip with HOTFISH Bait Heads for the perfect rolling bait. Fits most meat head brands without any trimming.

Comes out of the mold perfectly balanced with the center of gravity located to give the the bait the perfect rolling action. No tuning required.

De-molding is as simple as just pulling your baits off the runner No trimming required. Baits are perfectly balanced. Great Lakes charter captains are loving this bait. It is quickly becoming their go-to bait for giant Salmon and Rainbow. Fish with or without a flasher.

Item Code Mold Type Length (inches) Injection Type No. of Cavities Price
63-1120 HotFish Herring Strip 4-1/2" Side Injection 2 $119.95
63-1121 HotFish Herring Strip 4-1/2" Side Injection 4 $219.95
63-1122 HotFish Herring Strip 4-1/2" Top Injection 5 $249.95
63-1138 Herring Strip
No Logo *
4-1/2" Side Injection 4 $219.95
63-1139 Herring Strip
No Logo *
4-1/2" Top Injection 5 $249.95

All prices in Canadian dollars. CNC molds are not discountable.

* Herring Strip molds "without" branding. 

5 Cavity Top Injection Mold item #63-1122
Use a 12 oz Dual Injector to laminate your herring strip baits.

The "Ultra White Pearl" herring strip (above) is made using using one cup of plastisol heated to 350 degrees F
then gently stirring in 1/8 tea spoon of Pearl White Powder Hi-Lite.

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